Monday, August 3, 2009

Free school supplies at CVS

Today and tomorrow, CVS is offering school supplies free after Extra Bucks (meaning you'll be issued EBs in an amount equal to the cost of the product, making them effectively free).

The 8 products free after Extra Buck include: Caliber or CVS pencil/ink eraser, 2-pack glue sticks, or sticky notes; Caliber or CVS 1-subject notebook; Caliber or CVS 20 ct ball point pens or 10 ct pencils; Caliber or It's Academic compass or protractor; Caliber or It's Academic 5" pointed or blunt tip scissors; Caliber or It's Academic 12" Flexi Ruler; Caliber or It's Academic Stretchable book cover; and 2-pocket poly portfolio.

The maximum number of each you can buy is two.

The problem you may have is that many of the products may already be out-of-stock, so you might call first before making a drive to pick them up.

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