Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coupon Usage on the Rise

Have you seen some of the news reports about coupon usage in the last couple of weeks? As the stock market has plummeted, the number of folks willing to take the time required to clip and use coupons has risen dramatically. Just skim this CNN story from early October to get a sense of the newfound popularity of coupon clipping.

So what does this mean for you and me? If we're lucky, it should mean more coupons in the very near future. Hopefully, just in time for the holidays.

As companies recognize that coupons have become a deciding factor in how cash-crunched consumers are spending their money, the smart ones will start using them to attract customers away from their competitors.

Want buyers to give your product or service a try? Offer them a coupon. Want them to drive a couple extra miles to shop at your store? Offer them some coupons. Want to increase the frequency with which consumers buy and/or consume your product? Send them a coupon. Want to try and convince buyers your product is superior? Offer them a coupon.

Chances are now better than ever that consumers will actually clip and use them. I know I will!

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